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About Us


Our Story

Our Mission

Ashley found the desire to become a mental performance consultant through her personal experience in competitive sports. She played competitive hockey growing up and transitioned to rugby at university. She played for the uOttawa Gee-Gees Women's Rugby team for five years. She was instrumental in winning the RESQ Championship twice and placing at the National Canadian Championships. She currently plays with the Quebec Provincial rugby team alongside several team Canada players and has won three gold medals and two silver medals at the Canadian National Championships. 


Ashley's passion for high-level performance and her positive attitude has driven her to work with a wide range of individuals. She has consulted sports teams, individual athletes, performing artists, musicians, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, health professionals, students, and government departments.




Our philosophy is to help individuals reach their optimal performance zone through mental training to be more consistent and successful.  Mental skills and techniques are transferable life skills that can be used in different areas to help individuals become more confident in their abilities, improve mental health, and reach their goals on and off the field.


Ashley specializes in Self-Awareness and guides individuals to understand the meaning behind their actions, thoughts, and behaviours in sports and life. This process will help people correct negative behaviours, improve positive well-being, and develop a growth mindset.   

Let’s Work Together

Ottawa, Ontario

Tel: 613-720-7594

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